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Products of Paisit Fram

  In the business, there are 5 breeds of Adenium as below:
1. Adenium Obesum Read more
2. Adenium Somalense Read more
3. Arabicum - Yak Saudi / Arabicum Read more
4. Arabicum - Rar Chi Nee Pan Dok / RCN Read more
5. Arabicum - Thai Socotranum / Thai Soco Read more

1. Adenium Seeds Go top
   We produce and sell the following kinds of Adenium seeds:

  Adenium seed price.
  1.1 Obesum Mixed Color Per Seed 1    THB
  1.2 Obesum Selected Color - Single layer flower Per Seed 2    THB
  1.3 Obesum Selected Color - Double layer flower Per Seed 5    THB
  1.4 Somalense Per Seed 2    THB
  1.5 Arabicum - Yak Saudi / Arabicum Per Seed 3    THB
  1.6 Arabicum - Rar Chi Nee Pan Dok / RCN Per Seed 4    THB
  1.7 Arabicum - Thai Socotranum / Thai Soco Per Seed 5    THB

 Obesum Mixed Color seeds: Mixed color Adenium Obesum seeds and hybrids.

 Obesum selected color seeds - Single layer flower.: red, white, pink, purple, etc.

 Obesum Selected Color seeds - Double layer flower.

 Somalense Seeds

 Arabicum Seeds- Yak Saudi: Lop-Bu-Ri (LBR), Sing-Bu-Ri (SBR),Pet-Na-Wang (PNW), Yemen (YM), Black Giant-Sing-Bu-Ri (BG-SBR), Black Giant - Korat Series (BG-KR), Ka-Set (KS) breeds and others

  Adenium Arabicum Seeds: Rar-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok (RCN)

 Adenium Thai Socotranum Seeds: Kao Hin Zon (KHZ),Siam Crown (SC) ,Bang Khla (BK), S1, new variety and hybrids.

2. Adenium Seedling Go top

  2.1 The information about Adenium seedlings is as follows:
- The standard size of plastic tray is 32 x 40 cm. (W x L)
- The seeds are arranged in an orderly manner and the number of seeds to be planted is as follows:
     Adenium Obesum small seedling: 50 seeds per tray. (germination rate of 80 – 90 %)
     Adenium Somalense small seedling: 50 seeds per tray. (germination rate of 80 – 90 %)
     Adenium Arabicum-Yak Saudi(Arabicum) small seedling: 50 seeds per tray. (germination rate of 80 – 90 %)
     Adenium Arabicum-Rar Chi Nee Pan Dok(RCN) small seedling: 50 seeds per tray. (germination rate of 80 – 90 %)
     Adenium Arabicum-Thai Socotranum(Thai Soco) small seedling: 50 seeds per tray. (germination rate of 80 – 90 %)
- The seedlings are about 2-10 months of age.
- The seedlings are 5-10 cm. tall (above the ground)
- The diameter is about 1-2 cm.

  2.2 Prices of Adenium Seedlings:
 Obesum Mixed Colored 50 seeds for 1 tray 250 THB a tray
 Somalense 50 seeds for 1 tray 250 THB a tray
 Arabicum - Yak Saudi / Arabicum 50 seeds for 1 tray 500 THB a tray
 Arabicum - Rar Chi Nee Pan Dok / RCN 50 seeds for 1 tray 500 THB a tray
 Arabicum - Thai Socotranum / Thai Soco 50 seeds for 1 tray 800 THB a tray

 Obesum Seedlings
Adenium Obesum Seedlings  Adenium Obesum Seedlings

 Somalense Seedlings
Adenium Somalense Seedlings  Adenium Somalense Seedlings

 Yak Sadui Seedlings

 Arabicum Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok Seedlings
 Adenium Arabicum Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok Seedlings  Adenium Arabicum Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok Seedlings

 Thai Socotranum Seedlings
 Adenium Thai Socotranum Seedlings  Adenium Thai Socotranum Seedlings

3. Adenium Plants's Details are below: Go top
Adenium Obesum seedling 4 inch pot , 6 inch pot , 8 inch pot.

  3.1 Obesum
Pot 4 inches caudex's size 1-1.5 inches each 10 THB
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2-2.5 inches each 20 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3-3.5 inches each 30 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Adenium Somalense seedling 4 inch pot , 6 inch pot , 8 inch pot.
  3.2 Somalense (The seedling are mixed, not a separate species.)
Pot 4 inches caudex's size 1-1.5 inches each 10 THB
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2-2.5 inches each 20 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3-3.5 inches each 30 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Adenium Arabicum seedling 4 inch pot , 6 inch pot , 8 inch pot.
  3.3 Yak Saudi : Lop-Bu-Ri (LBR), Sing-Bu-Ri (SBR),Pet-Na-Wang (PNW), Yemen (YM), Black Giant-Sing-Bu-Ri (BG-SBR), Black Giant - Korat Series (BG-KR), Ka-Set (KS) breeds and others:
Pot 4 inches caudex's size 1-1.5 inches each 20 THB
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2-2.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3-3.5 inches each 60 THB
Pot 10 inches caudex's size 4-4.5 inches each 100 THB
Pot 11 inches caudex's size 5-5.5 inches each 150 THB
Pot 12 inches caudex's size 6-6.5 inches each 200 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Adenium RCN seedling 4 inch pot , 6 inch pot , 8 inch pot.
  3.4 Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok
Pot 4 inches caudex's size 1-1.5 inches each 20 THB
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2-2.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3-3.5 inches each 60 THB
Pot 10 inches caudex's size 4-4.5 inches each 100 THB
Pot 11 inches caudex's size 5-5.5 inches each 150 THB
Pot 12 inches caudex's size 6-6.5 inches each 200 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Adenium Thai Socotranum seedling 4 inch pot , 6 inch pot , 8 inch pot.
  3.5 Adenium Thai Socotranum : Kao-Hin-Zon and Siam Crown (with high genetic stability)
Pot 4 inches caudex's size 1-1.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2-2.5 inches each 80 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3-3.5 inches each 120 THB
Pot 10 inches caudex's size 4-4.5 inches each 200 THB
Pot 11 inches caudex's size 5-5.5 inches each 300 THB
Pot 12 inches caudex's size 6-6.5 inches each 400 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

  3.6 Adenium Thai Socotranum – General: Bang Kha, new variety and hybrids (with genetic diversities)
Pot 4 inches caudex's size 1-1.5 inches each 20 THB
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2-2.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3-3.5 inches each 60 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

  3.7 The Adenium seedling tall shape
     Arabicum, RCN or Thai Socotranum that are grown from seeds usually do not have trunk. They, thus, look not so beautiful as they grow up. The developers solve this
problem by using the root part to increase the height of the trunk. This can be used with the plants at any growth level: from baby to grown ones. This means of height increasing can be called in 2 ways:
1. Heightened single root: tree shape
2. Heightened multi roots: tall shape
Tall shape Thai Socotranum KHZ
Tall shape Thai Socotranum KHZ
Tall shape Thai Socotranum Siam Crown
Tall shape Thai Socotranum Siam Crown
Tall shape RCN
Tall shape RCN

Tall shape Thai Socotranum KHZ
Tall shape Thai Socotranum KHZ
Tall shape Thai Socotranum Siam Crown
Tall shape Thai Socotranum Siam Crown
Tall shape RCN
Tall shape RCN

Adenium Thai Socotranum KHZ seedling 6 inch pot.

Adenium Thai Socotranum Siam Crown seedling 6 inch pot.
6 Inch Pot
Extra tall
- The pot 6 inch extra tall (6 inch diameter, 7 inch tall)
- Root height + trunk about 5-inch.
- The trunk diameter about 0.5 – 1 inch.

- 100 Baht each

- This type of plant is the basis plant to continue with the root lift again, the height of the trunk + roots will be about 1 ft.
- If you want higher trunk, you may heighten the root as high as you desire
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes
4. Adenium Cutting Plants Go top
Adenium RCN cutting plants pot 8 inches and 11 inches.
  Price of Adenium cutting plants:
Adenium Obesum Pot 6 inches each 20 THB
Adenium Somalense Pot 8 inches each 100 THB
Adenium Arabicum - Yak Saudi Pot 8 inches each 100 THB
Adenium Arabicum - Thai Socotranum Pot 8 inches each 100 THB
Adenium Arabicum - Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok (RCN) Pot 11 inches each 200 THB
Adenium Arabicum - Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok (RCN) Pot 12 inches each 300 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

The adenium cutting plants pot size of 8 inches

The adenium cutting plants pot size of 6 inches
5. Adenium Grafted Plants Go top
     Adenium Grafted Plants is to plug the most beautiful breed of Adenium Obesum or any breeds we want with an Adenium body that has originated from seeds, or plug it into an Adenium Obesum that we get from a cutting that we usually call "Thai Stump". The details are below:

     5.1 Adenium Grafted Plants is to plug the most beautiful breed of Adenium Obesum
       that has beautiful single flower or multiple flower layers into an Adenium seedling
Adenium Grafted Plants
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2 - 2.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3 - 3.5 inches each 60 THB
Pot 10 inches caudex's size 4 - 4.5 inches each 100 THB
Pot 11 inches caudex's size 5 - 5.5 inches each 150 THB
Pot 12 inches caudex's size 6 - 6.5 inches each 200 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Go to adenium color breed catalog.
Click here to adenium plant variety catalog.

     5.2 Adenium grafted with Somalense, Adenium grafted with Yak Saudi, and Adenium
          grafted with Thai Socotranum originated from selecting the best Adenium breed to be grafted
          with Adenuim seedling or Thai seedling
The Price of Adenium grafted with Somalense , Yak Saudi, Thai Socotranum / Thai Soco:
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2 - 2.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3 - 3.5 inches each 60 THB
Pot 10 inches caudex's size 4 - 4.5 inches each 100 THB
Pot 11 inches caudex's size 5 - 5.5 inches each 150 THB
Pot 12 inches caudex's size 6 - 6.5 inches each 200 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Adenium Arabicum - Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok (RCN) big trees

Thai Socotranum : Petch Krung Kao

     5.3 Adenium grafted with Adenium Arabicum - Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok (RCN) is to plug
           the best original Adenium Arabicum's top or the top of a seedling that produces pods well
           or that with unique characteristics into an Adenuim seedling or Thai seedling. It is suitable
           for someone who wants to collect the breed.
The Price of Adenium grafted with Adenium Arabicum - Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok (RCN)
Pot 6 inches caudex's size 2 - 2.5 inches each 40 THB
Pot 8 inches caudex's size 3 - 3.5 inches each 60 THB
Pot 10 inches caudex's size 4 - 4.5 inches each 100 THB
Pot 11 inches caudex's size 5 - 5.5 inches each 150 THB
Pot 12 inches caudex's size 6 - 6.5 inches each 200 THB
Big Plants prices depend on their sizes

Paisit farm : 93 Moo 6 T.Watphleng A.Watphleng Ratchaburi 70170 Thailand
Mobild  +66 - 86 - 7690134  |  TEL : +66 - 32 - 399293 , +66 - 32 - 399480   |  E-MAIL : info@thailandadenium.com |  GMAIL : paisitfarm@gmail.com
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