我们有索马里沙漠玫瑰 [ Adenium Somalense ] 种子, 苗, 树, 嫁接枝,扦插枝 如下:
1) 巨型 索马里 [Somalense var。Somalense]
它起源于坦桑尼亚,索马里和肯尼亚。树干直立高大 , 枝少。叶片狭窄,没有毛,活跃的绿叶,明显的叶线。中小的花朵,粉红色或红色的花朵和15-25线的黄色圆锥的巨型品种。
据报道,这种巨型索马里沙漠玫瑰在非洲出现。 它的高度超过5米,它的底部大于200升的水箱。
1.1) 银叶巨型 索马里 [ Silver leaf Adenium Somalense ]
- 有光泽的银色叶子,没有毛,逐渐变细的叶子,渐尖的叶尖。
- 强大的大树干和树枝。
- 开花时,树干和树枝上散开很多花朵。中小的花朵,粉红色或红色的花朵, 圆锥上的黄线。开花时脱落。
- 大荚,大形种子,很难产生荚。
- 种子的幼苗是有光泽的银叶。 有大的树干和坚强。
1.2) 斑点叶巨型 索马里 [ Spotted leaf Adenium Somalense ]
- 斑叶,黄色和绿色混合白色,折叠的叶子,光滑的叶子没有头发,锥形叶和尖锐的叶尖。
- 强大的树干和树枝,奶白色的树干。
- 开花时,树干和树枝上散开很多花朵,小花朵,粉红色的花朵,粉红色的花瓣,圆锥上明显的黄线,开花时会流下叶子。
- 不难生产荚,大荚和大锥度种子。
- 幼苗不是斑点的叶子,但生长速度快而且强烈。
1.3) 红色树干枝巨型 索马里 [ Red branch Adenium Somalense ]
- 红褐色的树干和树枝,大而坚固的树干。
- 逐渐变细的叶子,圆形的叶尖,绿色的叶子,光滑的叶子,没有毛,中间白色明显的叶线。
- 开花时,树干和树枝上开了丰富花朵,小花朵,粉红色的花朵,红色的花瓣,圆锥上明显的红线。
- 很难产生荚,大荚,大而长的锥形种子。
- 幼苗生长快速而强壮。
1.4) 鸡冠巨型 索马里 [ Cristata Adenium Somalense ]
- 分支的尖端延伸出一个像 “鸡冠花 (Cristata)” 一样并在其上开花,
- 浅绿色的叶子,逐渐变细的叶子,中间白色明显的叶子线。
- 乳白色的树干,比较薄弱的树枝。
- 一般不难生产荚,中型荚,锥形种子。
- 幼苗就像他们的母亲植物一样,盛开时丰满的花朵,并在顶部群集开花。
1.5) 小叶子叶巨型 索马里 [ Small leaf Adenium Somalense ]
- 有光泽的深绿色叶子,小而渐细的叶子,中间白色明显的叶子线。
- 强大的树干和树枝,灰绿色的树干。
- 丰富的花朵,树干和树枝上开满鲜花,小花朵,
- 一般不难生产荚,中型荚,锥形种子。
- 幼苗生长快速而强壮。
1.6) 白色的花巨型 索马里 [ White flower Adenium Somalense ]
- 白色的花朵。丰富的花朵,树干和树枝上开满鲜花,小花朵,开花时棚叶。
- 有光泽的深绿色叶子,长而尖的叶子,中间白色明显的叶子线。
- 强大的树干和树枝,灰绿色的树干。
- 一般不难生产荚,中型荚,锥形种子。
- 幼苗生长快速而强壮。
* 这些巨型 索马里沙漠玫瑰品种是巨型品种。
2) 小型索马里 [ Somalense var. Crispum ]
3) 索马里杂种 [ Somalense Hybrids ]
他们是索马里[Adenium Somalense]和荷兰[Obesum]的混合体。
它生长迅速。 因此,它可以用作大型植物种植和砧木的选择。
There are also other hybrids of Adenium Somalense in our farm as follows:
3.1) Paisit Somalense Hybrid (PSH) is grown from seed. It's the 10-year-old hybrid of Adenium Somalense and Holland. The caudex's diameter is 70-80 centimeters long, 2.20 meters high. The caudex and leaves are green. The flowers are pink with red in the outer area. The flowers are medium-sized. It blossoms throughout the years. Pod bearing rate is moderate. The seeds are longer and bigger than original Adenium Somalense. The plants grown from seeds grow very fast, especially, the caudex growing faster than Holland at a double speed. There is usually one big trunk. The caudex and leaves are live green. The flowers are redish pink. It is very suitable to be used as stump for single cutting because of its fast growing caudex. It is also planted in the garden because of its strong brances.
3.2) Adenium Somalense with "Yak Ko" is believed to be mixed with Adenium Somalense and other breeds which are unknown but speculated to be "Multiforum." The basic structure of the trunk is like native Adenium. It grows very fast. The main tree is grown from cutting. The caudex's diameter is 7-8 inches long and it's over 2 meters tall. The most distinguished characteristic is that the leaves are glossy and green mixed with gray. And the meridian nerve is red. The shape of the leaves is like Adenium Somalense. The pink flowers are of medium size. The petal is pointed. The pollen tube grows out of the cone. It blossoms throughout the year. Its pod bearing rate is moderate. The seed is round. The baby plant that grows from seed grows very fast. The plants grown from seeds grow very fast, especially, the caudex growing faster than Holland at a double speed. The unique characteristic is that the trunk grows out of the bush, about 4-6 main branches off the caudex. The meridian nerve is red. It is suitable to be used as stump for bush tree (for multiple cutting) because the caudex grows fast and there are many main branches. It can also be planted in the garden because of its beautiful bush.
1.) Some items about Adenium Somalense kept in our past achievement are not constantly produced. Please make a reservation in advance.
2.) Some parts of the content are adapted from Assoc. Dr. Sawitree Malaiphan |